Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Down the agricultural rabbit hole!

What an amazing weekend! My father's cousin flew in from DC to celebrate Christmas with my mother and me; we have had a relaxing four days of food, wine, chocolate and conversation. This is the last Hurrah!!! of my very decadent foodie lifestyle before I embark on my elimination diet in January. I have suffered from chronic sinusitis each winter since I contracted whooping cough in 2008. After consulting with a multitude of doctors, I now know, without a doubt, that my symptoms are not physical/structural, bacterial, or viral. My skin tests as barely detectable for an allergic reaction to dust and willow tree pollen and associated management actions have done nothing to improve my condition. After a long series of prescription experiments, wherein the doctors seemed to know less than I did, I have taken a firm stand against suppression drugs. This past year I enjoyed massage therapy and chiropractics and while my body feels amazing, my sinuses remain the same. These fix-it approaches are not working enough, so now tumble down the rabbit hole in pursuit of that ultimate lifestyle question.... diet.

I feel overwhelmed in a sea of choices. There are so many food issues - local v. mass production, carnivore v. vegetarian v. other, organic and pesticide free farming, how free is free range?, types of healthful and bad fat, optimal caloric count... it makes my head spin! Armed with a precursory bit of research, I have formulated vague lifestyle and diet preferences, which scatter like dust in the wind when faced with a passionate opinion.

This no long serves me.

My relative is an agriculture journalist with a specialty in national policy and international trade relations, three distinct areas I am interested in learning more about. The last few days have provided a perfect opportunity for me to sit back and soak up 30 something years of research experience and to ask the cross cutting questions about how much of our food industry has been shaped. Armed with a few core study questions I feel empowered to jump feet first in partnership with my nutritionist, combining my own study with her knowledge, to develop my "right fit" value-added, healthful, eco-friendly dietary lifestyle! We won't see eye to eye on all the issues, but it's going to be an adventure. My exploration essays soon to follow.

Hope you too had an inspiring holiday weekend.
Sara, the CaliWaterGal

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